Photo Gallery

The Colton, OR Paso Play Day was held at Elizabeth Reed’s beautiful ranch on 24 August 2024.  It was a huge success as shown in the photos below:


On the weekend of 1-2 April, some of our members joined together and went on a few rides in Southern Utah.  Rides were hosted by Janice Stark and pictures were provided by Jenny Sullivan.  Everyone enjoyed their wonderful rides surrounded by marvelous scenery!

Red Mountain trail near St. George. Rider in red bandana is Leigh Singleton on Bandito; rider in pink is Marsha Blank on Kid

Janice Stark on Diva; Jenny Sullivan on Amanda

Marsha Blank on Kid; Leigh Singleton on Bandito

Cindy Mercer standing near Hope and Bandito

Gunlock area. Rider in blue is Cindy Mercer on Hope; rider in red is Marsha Blank on Kid; rider in orange is Janice Stark on Diva; rider in tan is Jenny Sullivan on Amanda; rider taking pic is Leigh Singleton on Bandito

Gunlock area ride. Left to right: Cindy Mercer with Hope; Janice Stark with Diva; Jenny Sullivan with Amanda

Annette Rowberry and Chayla–Fall Colors!


Natural Horsemanship Clinic
27 March 2021
Hope Ranch
West Jordan, Utah

We had our second horsemanship clinic at Terri McQuiston’s facility.  It was a lovely day weather-wise and all attendees had the opportunity to work on ground skills, saddle fittings and some arena riding.  Thanks to Annette Rowberry for hosting/arranging the event and to Linda Bean for providing an excellent lunch which was thoroughly enjoyed!  In attendance was Lis Wachutka, Annette Rowberry, Linda Bean, Anna Sciliano, Gus Abt and Joan Nordgran.  These clinics are great opportunities to work AND have fun with our horse while being able to receive advice/guidance/support from Terri.

Annette Rowberry on Chayla

Gus Abt and Siempre

Linda Bean on Coal and Joan Nordgran on Tango

Lis Wachutka and LeVante

Anna Sciliano with Milana

Linda Bean on Coal and Terri on LeVante

Natural Horsemanship Clinic and Rose Canyon Trail Ride
3 & 4 October 2020
Hope Ranch
West Jordan, Utah
By Anna Siciliano

Anna Siciliano

The event was held at Terri McQuiston’s facility,  Hope Ranch, in West Jordan, Utah. This is a beautiful 10-acre property with Terri’s home, a barn, and a gorgeous indoor arena. Also on the property are riding trails that merge with Kennecott land.

There were 7 Great Western members who attended:  Judi Bradbury, Annette Rowberry, Linda Bean, Joan Nordgran, Jenny Sullivan, Anna Siciliano and Gus Abt.  To ensure quality training the clinician limited the number of attendees otherwise, I am sure more people would have attended!

We had a great 2 days learning to develop a closer relationship with our horse and learning different techniques from Terri.

Terri’s background includes training with Pat and Linda Parelli at their Colorado ranch. She has also studied with other similar teachers and her teaching style is Natural Horsemanship.

On Saturday morning, we learned how our posture and seat affects our horse. To illustrate this, Terri had each of us get down on all fours in the indoor arena and she sat on our back as if we were her horse. She shifted her weight in different ways and we learned about how our posture and seat positioning affects our horse. She encouraged us to use a tall but relaxed posture with our back pockets making contact with the saddle (pelvic tilt).

Terri with her ‘new’ breed of horse (ably portrayed by Judi Bradbury)

Each of us brought a task we wanted help with to the workshop. Many of us wanted help with moving our horses sideways and some wanted help with ways to keep the horse still while mounting.

Terri taught us some of the Parelli 7 games including: The Friendly Game, The Porcupine Game and the Sideways Game.  She taught us how to use these games to build trust and relaxation. All 7 students worked on moving our horses sideways along the rails of the arena. We all also practiced using the friendly game while mounting our horses from a mounting block.

Jenny Sullivan practicing the Sideways Game with her horse

Joan Nordgran working a Parelli game with her horse

Set up in the arena were obstacles such as a low jump, cones to form a serpentine, a flat small octagon shaped platform your horse could step on to (like a circus pony), poles in various positions, a long vertical pole with a flag on the end which were available for the riders to use during our lessons.

We spent the morning on practicing the seven Parelli games, moving our horses sideways, mounting our horses using the friendly game and moving our horses through the obstacles. Terri and her 2 great helpers taught us, and gave support and encouragement.

We then enjoyed a wonderful lunch organized by Annette Rowberry. Terri told us some of the stories of troubled teens that had come to learn at Hope Ranch and how working with horses affected them in positive ways.

After lunch, Terri challenged each of us to ride our horse bareback in the indoor arena. She believes riding your horse bareback strengthens your relationship with your horse and helps you feel your horse’s back and movement. Bareback riding also teaches balance and trust.  Some of us were more excited about bareback riding than others!  We each had helpers standing by us at first; helping us mount and walk our horses.  Some of us, like me, needed the helper to stay next to us the whole time.  Others, like Judi, Linda, and Gus were able to ride freely around the arena in a walk and even a corto. Gus felt that riding bareback was one of the most helpful parts of the clinic. He learned to sit further back on his horse and move with her.

Here are pictures of the some of the attendees bravely going bareback on their horses:

Annette Rowberry – Bareback

Judi Bradbury

Jenny Sullivan

Gus Abt with Terri

After riding bareback, some of us put saddles on and worked on the seven games while on the horse.  We worked through obstacles and Terri coached each of us on a skill we needed help with.

Throughout the day, Terri’s love of the horse was evident. Her patience with her students and the horses was incredible.

On Sunday, some of us went on a trail ride around Terri’s property while others stayed in the arena to get more one-on-one time with Terri. Before going on the group ride, Terri reviewed important practices to use when riding in a group.

After the ride, Terri taught some of us about saddle fit. She helped Joan with saddle fit on her horse, Tango. She helped Gus with saddle fit on Siempre. She stressed the importance of placing the blanket and saddle in a way that allows the horse’s shoulder to move freely.  With Terri’s guidance, Gus and I are now placing our saddle a little further back not cinching up so tightly. Our horses have responded well to this.

Throughout the clinic, it was amazing to see how relaxed our Pasos were while doing groundwork with them.  Our usually hot Pasos were observed chewing, yawning, closing their eyes and letting their heads move down in a calm position. All of these movements are signs of a relaxed horse.

Linda Bean

Terri is a fantastic teacher, horse owner and mentor. The clinic was extremely informative and whole group came away with renewed eagerness to spend time with our horses.

We want to thank our Great Western board members for organizing this excellent clinic.

Our horses are not just for riding, our horses can be our best friends!

Judi Bradbury


3-7 OCT 2019

Sena Hauer and Gus Abt on one of the trail rides in Moab

Beautiful Landscapes!

Judi on Cintas

Gus Abt taking a break with Maestra and Zinnia

17-18 AUG 2019

(Photos courtesy of Annette Rowberry)

Another fun and productive clinic was held at Rush Valley.

Linda Bean on Don Reyo; Christy Taylor, Judi Bradbury and Joan Nordgran listening intently

Joan Nordgran on Banjo

Christy Taylor on Don Reyo

Thanks to both Judi Bradbury for hosting the clinic and Christy Taylor, clinician extraordinaire!

Red Canyon Campout  by Anna Siciliano

Trail Ahead!

A group of riders from the Utah Chapter visited Red Canyon, Utah on June 4th to June 9th. The first group consisted of Judi and Brad Bradbury and Patti and Jerry Boone.   Judi, Patti and Jerry enjoyed riding the Grand View Trail and Pines Horse Trail, which were new trails to all of them, on the first two days of the trip. On a previous trip, they road on the Casto and Losee Trails which they recommend and say they are exciting rides.

Anna Siciliano and Gus Abt joined the group on Thursday. They were thrilled to be back in Red Canyon as it is their favorite camping spot. The large equestrian campgrounds allow room for a tent or motorhome, a portable corral and places to tie a horse on a high line. The campgrounds are first come/first served and luckily, we all had excellent spots.

Gus Abt at Red Canyon

Red Canyon is known for its picturesque vistas of red rock, hoodos and pines.  Anna, Judi and Gus rode Thunder Mountain on Friday. Wow, what an adventure! The ride starts out with narrow switch backs which make one pay attention to their horse’s footings. Then, they rode across “the Spine” which is a narrow path with drop offs on each side. (NOT for the faint at heart).  The horses did great and the riders were thankful for their sure footed Pasos.  After the spine, the ride becomes easier and lunch was enjoyed at the highest area of the trail. The second half of the ride was shaded with pines and gradually descending curves. They made it back to camp in time to enjoy the sunset.


Saturday’s ride was spent on Losee Trail. The trail ran along the river bottom giving the horses many chances to practice shallow water crossings.

Judi Bradbury on the trail

Overall, Red Canyon has to be one of the most scenic places in Utah for horse and rider alike. The temperature in the day was perfect while the nights were very cool. We hope to have a larger group next year. Look ahead and plan for a 2020 early summer trip to Southern Utah.

Submitted by Anna Siciliano.

A few more pictures from the Youth Camp Weekend!

Mariah Collins on Quid Pro Quo Sin Par

Zoe Horne with CJ

Soltice Saxton driving CJ Away

Joselyn on Fancy

Gabi Young with Annette Rowberry and Chayla

Cynthia on Poco

Bentley Saxton, Joan Nordgren and Raven

Allison with CJ

25-26 MAY 2019

This past month, Kristi Collins conducted a youth clinic which was hosted at Judi Bradbury’s ranch in Rush Valley.

Kristi Collins, Judi Bradbury, Joselyn Wayman, Rowdy and Linda Bean, Cynthia Cleveland, Zoe Horne, Bentley Saxton, Joan Nordgran, Soltice Saxton and Gabi Young

In attendance were Joselyn Wayman, Cynthia Cleveland, Zoe Horne, Bentley Saxton, Mariah Collins, Soltice Saxton and Gabi Young.
Guidance, advice and assistance were provided by Kristi Collins, Judi Bradbury, Linda Bean, Annette Rowberry and Joan Nordgran.
Comic relief was provided in part by Rowdy, the wonder dog!

Many topics were discussed and practice (on the ground and in the saddle) but the big favorites were the Catching Game, gaiting and the Team Relay Weave Game.

Gabi Young on Chayla, Kristi Collins, Soltice Saxton on Banjo, Joan Nordgran, Linda Bean and Joselyn Wayman on Fancy

It was a great weekend and a fun/informative time was had by all.

Gabi Young on Chayla, Krisit Collins and Soltice Saxton on Banjo

Thanks to Kristi Collins for organizing and running the clinic and to Judi Bradbury for offering the use of her facilities!

Soltice Saxton on Banjo, Mariah Collins on Sin Par, Joselyn Wayman on Fancy, Bentley Saxton on Raven, Cynthia Cleveland on Poco and Zoe Horne on CJ


Utah Chapter Members  May Rides in Moab

John Hauer, Mariah Collins, Sena Hauer and Judi Bradbury in Moab

Judi Bradbury and Linda Bean in Moab

Mariah Collins on Sin Par and Kristie Collins on Zeus

Mariah Collins and Linda Bean (Jude and Rowdy in the background)




Janice Stark on Diva (El Diva de Mejor DLM) at Red Canyon

Janice Stark on Tia

Annette Tiede on Aruba (Lina Maria De Grande) at Red Canyon

Annette Tiede on Aruba at Red Canyon

30-31 MARCH 2019

A fun and productive time was enjoyed by the clinic’s participants. Fortunately, the weather was cooperative and, although a little chilly, we had sunshine and no snow! The morning of the 30th was a group lesson where participants worked on the following skills: soft hands/reins, proper seat, confidence, relaxation, posture and leg to hand coordination. Individual lessons were conducted in the afternoon of the 30th and on the 31st. Christy’s clinics are always a huge hit and a great learning experience for participants. Thanks to both Judi Bradbury for hosting the clinic and Christy Taylor, clinician extraordinaire!

Group Lesson-Linda Bean, Christy Taylor, Judi Bradbury and Betty Sullivan

Annette Rowberry, Christy Taylor and Betty Sullivan

Annette Rowberry, Betty Sullivan, Linda Bean and Judi Bradbury

Lis Wachutka

Annette Rowberry and Christy Taylor

Cynthia Cleveland

Judi Bradbury

Linda Bean

Scenes from the Robin Ratliff Gait Clinic

Everyone enjoyed the fun games.

Happy smiles from Mariah Collins on Sin Par.

Susan Hardy, Anna Siciliano and Cynthia Cleveland compete in the champagne glass race.

Linda Bean on Chayla.

Annette Rowberry on Chayla,

Robin Ratliff instructs the group.

Mariah Collins, Robin Ratliff and Cynthia Cleveland showcasing their trophies.

Anna Siciliano on Maestra.